Saturday, June 6, 2020


Lifeline (noun) can be defined as (1) a line or rope thrown to rescue somebody who is in difficulty in the water or (2) something that is very important for somebody and that they depend on

Sometimes in life, we drown in the sea of problems. We sometimes struggle so hard in the sea of problems that it feels like we’re out of breath, drowning. At that point, who is going to throw us the lifeline? Who is going to rescue us?

Lifeline Buoy

This article will tell you about my understanding of life’s lifeline. This article is for the people out there, especially Muslims, who are currently drowning in the sea of problems and needing a lifeline. I know that this article might sound very religious because it was taken from one of Islamic ustadz speech. But I hope this article will boost any readers regardless of their religions.



Life sometimes puts us in a rough situation. Whether it’s academic problems, financial problems, love-life problems, existential problems, insecurity problems, or everything altogether. We’ve all been through some of our roughest times, feeling desperate. Then we felt truly alone like nobody was going to help us, nobody was going to understand our problems. We felt like drowning in the endless ocean of problems, with no rescue boat in sight. In those times, who is going to help us?

﴾مَا وَدَّعَكَ رَبُّكَ وَمَا قَلٰى ۗ  ﴿الضحى:۳
mā wadda'aka rabbuka wa mā qalā
"Your Lord has not taken leave of you, nor has He hated [you]" (Ad-Dhuha:3)

Allah literally said to you, one by one, that He would never leave you.

People may come and go. They can forget about you, leave you, hurt you, disappoint you. Because that's how people are, sometimes. But Allah, Allah would never leave you, nor would He disappoint you. Worry not, Allah will give you the lifeline and get you out of your problems.

How can we be so sure?

Well, we can look into our past. How much sin and mistake that we have made? How much worse things that we have done? And yet Allah has not punished us. He still gives us His gifts allowing us to live and breathe happily. Look around you, the world is still moving around. Even though we are ‘drowning’, we are still alive and breathing.

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (Az-Zumar:53)

Even the sinners are still being cared for and given mercy by Allah. So don't get your hopes down. Allah still loves you and cares about you, whatever your problems are. And believe that, He will show you the path, the righteous path. The one that we might not understand. It may come out of nowhere, just keep praying and don't lose hope.

So every time that we feel alone, hopeless, lost and desperate, just say and repeat :

mā wadda'aka rabbuka wa mā qalā
"Your Lord has not taken leave of you, nor has He hated [you]" (Ad-Dhuha:3)
Don’t lose hope, keep believing that the lifeline will come. Eventually, you will not be drowned and resurface again. 


Now of course that some of us (including me, sometimes) have some doubts about Allah's plan. Like, when are things are going to be right? When will the lifeline come? What makes it so long? What is this “lifeline”? Sometimes we have to be patient and Allah's plans are sometimes so unpredictable. Let us take a look into the story of Prophet Moses a.s.

Ancient Egypt: Civilization, Empire & Culture - HISTORY
Pharaohs once Lived Here
A long time ago, in the age of Pharaoh, a Pharaoh dreamed that there will be one male child of Israel that will dethrone the Pharaoh out of his empire. So the Pharaoh decided to kill all of the male babies of Israeli descendants.

Prophet Moses a.s., one of Israeli descendant, was born in the same era of this Pharaoh. His mother was so worried that her son, Moses, is going to be discovered and taken away.

Our logical mind would think that it is best for the mother to leave away from the country, or hide her son somewher, to make Moses safe from the Pharaoh. But what did Allah tell to the mother of Moses?

Allah told her (in Taa-haa : 39) to put her son in a chest and throw it into the river so that Moses would end up into the Pharaoh's bathing palace. Sounds just a very unreasonable thing to do right? Why would you throw your own son to the river, so that he could go straight into the enemy's den. But she believed in Allah, did what Allah has told, and here's what happened next.

When Pharaoh discovered the baby, he wanted to immediately throw it away. But Allah made the Pharaoh's wife convince the Pharaoh not to throw away the baby because she didn't have a child yet. So they decided to keep Moses.

But baby Moses did not want to be breastfed, he kept crying all day. Pharaoh then gathered all the women in the nation, to reward anyone who can breastfeed Pharaoh's adopted children, Moses.

Out of all women, only one woman who was able to breastfeed Moses. It was his mother. The mother was having a tearful of joy, knowing that Moses was reunited with her and safe from all harm, including from Pharaoh itself.

That was just one of many examples of Allah's ways of helping us. The point is, Allah's way is sometimes unpredictable, in a way that we couldn't think of. The lifeline might just come out of nowhere.  We might have doubts sometimes, it's okay. But we just have to believe that, when we have done our best to solve our problems and pray, Allah will pull us out of our problems. Be patient. The lifeline will eventually come, and you will be rescued.


We were born into this world alone, an orphan. And Allah gave us love through our parents so that they nurture and guide us until we grow up. And Allah will always continue to guide us whenever we're desperate and lost.

I am sure that you all have ever felt alone and felt lost. I have felt lost, even the most chosen ones, the Prophets, had felt lost at some points in their lives. But it is okay, do not worry too much, do not overthink. Because Allah has stated that :

"Did He not find you an orphan and give [you] refuge?" (6); "And He found you lost and guided [you]," (7); "And He found you poor and made [you] self-sufficient." (8) (Ad-Dhuhaa : 6-8)
The lifeline will come. You will be fine, you might feel lost and drowning sometimes but, Allah promised that He will guide you. After doing our best to solve our problems and seek others for help, have 'alone' time with Allah, seek guidance. Every problem is a test. When we are drowning, Maybe Allah is teaching us to swim in the sea of problems so we can learn something out of it. Eventually, the lifeline will come and you will survive.

The System

Islam is a perfect and flawless religion. You might have some questions upon reading this article. Like, What the lifeline really is? It sounds so vague and ambiguous. This is where this verse comes to explain.

"So as for the orphan, do not oppress [him]."(9); "And as for the petitioner, do not repel [him]."(10) (Ad-Dhuhaa : 9-10)
We help people. We give other people the lifeline. If there is someone who's looking for help to us, do not repel them. Answer their questions the way we could, help them solve their problems. But if we cannot solve their problems, suggest them to someone who can help. 

Just help them however we could. In that way, Allah will give us the lifeline to rescue us from drowning. It could be in the form of other people who will help us, or we could stumble upon information that will help us or anything. Believe that our good deeds will be repaid.

As for the orphans, who have been drowning since day one without any help, we must help them. Most of us are lucky to have parents as our lifeline to guide us, the orphans do not have the luxury. So it is important for us to help and care for the orphans.


I am writing this article because I have been drowning too. When we are drowning, just try to swim and relax. I mean, yeah we must make an effort to find solutions to our problems. But try not to get panic. When we’re literally drowning and get panic, we will get drowned. But if we relax, we’ll survive. You will be just fine, just pray after doing your best. Be patient. Eventually, the lifeline will come, and you will be rescued.  I am also spreading the words because Allah said :

"But as for the favor of your Lord, report [it]." (Ad-Dhuhaa:11)
Taken from Hannan Attaki's talk "Sendiri" here. Very recommended video Many thanks for the great speech. Jazakallahu Khairan.

- Muhamad Farid Geonova