Friday, July 24, 2015

Goals and Dreams

Have you ever had a dream? I mean not something that usually appears in your sleep, but something that you really want.

Of course, you all have a dream. Whether it's big or small, realistic or not. We all have a dream.

But what's the point of dreaming then? I mean it would not make any differences.
You set some goals out of it.

Yeah, to get our dreams come true, we must set goals. And to get to those goals, we must set some strategies and steps to get to that goals.

And what's the dream for? It's for motivation. It's the reason why you are doing something. And it's keeping you alive.

With dream, we can be more passionate doing our works, with dream, we could be anything we want. Well, if you set a goal and keep working on it.

Good luck, dreamers. I hope we can make our dreams come true


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